Lotus Child Caring for the Street Children of India
The Buds to Blossoms Project 2013
Sonapota Community, Kolkata
In February this year, 22 volunteers completed our second school and resource centre in the Sonapota community, just outside Kolkata. Working in the community, they completed construction just in time for handover!
Click here to read a daily blog of the trip
The Sonapota Community
The Sonapota Community was the original community chosen for the 2011 Buds to Blossoms Project. However due to massive and unprecedented flooding in the area the project was post-poned to this year. The presence of the school and resource centre has now galvinised this impoverished community and its impact is already evident 6 months after completion.
Our school
The community have long awaited this resource in the area and the school has taken off with attendance numbers high from opening and edging to our target of 100 students. The teachers and parents remain committed to its continued success, educating children within their community to a level that they can attend government schools where possible. Our teachers are also providing tutorial support and homework assistance to older students and those in a position to attend government schools.
Adult Education Programmes
The Adult education aspect of the project has now commenced, with adult literacy classes now up and running. Programmes will also be run in the centre educating the parents in respect of rights awareness and health and hygiene.
Members of the community are being selected to attend First Aid and Emergency Medical Services Training Courses to provide a first response within the community. The community is also provided with a First Aid kit maintained in the centre. The fist health camps will be run in the centre later this year.
Entreprenuership Programme
This programme seeks to encourage income generation among the women in the community and increasing self sufficiency. The programme includes training in traditional handicrafts as well as providing assistance and supporting in exhibiting and selling their
In partnership with our Indian partner, Sampurna Lotus Child will continue to encourage, support and empower this community to ensure these programmes and the resource centre operate to their full potential